Kylie is a rescue collected by the police due to a neglect case. Kylie became both dog and human aggressive before my rehabilitation due to falling ill with Parvo and nearly dying at the kennel. The Kennel environment changes most dogs especially if they become ill while in kennels after 7 months of kennel life. Some dogs shut down, some dogs go into survival mode. All Kylie needed was a chance, it’s amazing what can be achieved once a dog has been removed from a rescue centre. For any rescue dog the rule of 3 should always be applied, 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months. This is the time it takes for a rescue dog to decompress from a kennel environment and adjust. So for this reason Kylie had to go to a specific owner, an owner who would understand the complex behaviours and dedicate the time training and knowledge to fulfil her new life and give her confidence back. Kylie is coming on nicely in my care living happily with my GSD.
Kylie learning tracking.
I‘ve been training Kylie 7 months now and she’s coming on nicely.
Kylie training with customers dogs.
Beautiful engagement and focus on me.
One of my customers training Kylie. It’s part of life so anyone can take Kylie and train her.
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